From the growers perspective, White Widow is a hassle-free strain, suitable for both indoor and outdoor, although a constant warm, mediterranean climate is required for ultimate results. Its CBD level is high, around 20%.
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Suitable for any growing ability. Whether it is cultivated indoors or outdoors it will benefit immensely from support for its branches. Trainwreck grows into a compact, yet high-yielding, plant that produces dense, resinous buds that have a pungent, fruity and sweet taste. In a nine-week flowering period, growers can harvest up to 700 gr/m2. Outdoors each plant can produce up to 800 gr/plant by early October in northern latitudes.
White Widow is one of the best-known strains, a true classic and winner of countless awards, being one of the most powerful and potent strains available. Obtained by crossing a Brazilian Sativa and a South Indian Indica, it is named after the plant’s frosty appearance which makes it white with resin.
It has an authentic smell but relatively bland taste, also, an unmistakably extreme high that is both feared and adored. The initial hit comes on fast and strong, which can leave anyone but the most experienced connoisseur needing to sit down. This then slowly evolves into a very relaxing high which is ideal for enjoying music. Bottomline:
From the growers perspective, White Widow is a hassle-free strain, suitable for both indoor and outdoor, although a constant warm, mediterranean climate is required for ultimate results. Its CBD level is high, around 20%.
Sex Feminized
Variety 60% Indica
Where to Grow Indoor, Outdoor
Flowering Time 8 weeks
Growing Easy
Effect Stone high
CBD Content 24.10%
Yield Up to 400gr indoor /up to 350gr outdoor